#0 overall ranking
0 total kills
0 total deaths
NaN kills per death
0 perfomance rating
NaN score per minute
PachiOps Nuketown last server played
1 day of play time
102 weeks since first connection
75 weeks since last seen
114 connections
1,257 messages sent
Green Run/Bus Depot/Farm/Town last map played
one year ago
Kicked by IW4MAdmin for VPNs are not allowed on this server. For more information, go to this server's website
Kicked by IW4MAdmin for VPNs are not allowed on this server. For more information, go to this server's website
Reported by Zener Z for por toxico
Kicked by IW4MAdmin for VPNs are not allowed on this server. For more information, go to this server's website
Kicked by IW4MAdmin for VPNs are not allowed on this server. For more information, go to this server's website